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You can always feel the Jewish spirit in Odessa and it gives to the city its special colour. Odessa is a multinational city.

But the Jewish nation is a special case, they always added to the city its own unique color. During the tour you will find out a lot of interesting from the life of Jewish community and how this community appeared and developed in Odessa. The Museum of History of Odessa Jews “Migdal Shorashim” was opened in November of 2002 by the Jewish community centre “Migdal”. Exhibition includes different things from life and history of Jewish community in Odessa. Note: + 71 UAH / 3 USD / 3 EUR museum fee per person. Prices are valid for next languages: Rus /Eng/Ger/Fra/Spa/Ita. Prices for other languages are upon request. The duration of excursion 3 hours.

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