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Time Description of itinerary and objects of visit
08:00 Departure from Kiev
10:00 Arrival to Beryozovaya Rudka, excursion. Beryozovaya Rudka is worth visiting foremost for its unique pyramid (in Europe there are only four such pyramids). The construction represents family tomb of Zakrevskii family in unusual form. Ivan Zakrevskii was working for Emperor Alexander III, he was also a member of Mason’s Lodge and was really fond of Egyptian culture. He built a chapel - mausoleum over the grave of ancestors with a secret symbolic meaning. The funeral construction combined classical forms of Egyptian pyramid and pagan attributes with Orthodox symbols. Thus, the entrance to the chapel “guarded" the statue of the goddess Isis brought from Egypt by Zakrevskii, and above the entrance there was placed Orthodox cross. In the center of the hall there was an Orthodox altar with a large stone cross. I. Zakrevskii died in 1906 in Egypt, his embalmed body was delivered to the Beryozovaya Rudka and buried in mausoleum. There is also palace and park complex of Zalevskii family preserved in the village.
12:00 Departure to Mgar.
13:30 Visit of Mgar Monastery. Mgar Transfiguration Monastery is one of the most revered Orthodox shrines in Ukraine (17-th century).
15:00 Departure to Kiev.
17:30 Arrival to Kiev.


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