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Stalin's Bunker

Time Description of itinerary and objects of visit
09:00 Departure from Kiev to Korosten (160 km from Kiev)
11:30 Arrival to the Stalin’s Bunker, excursion to the object “The Rock” + city tour Secret underground command post of Korosten fortification number 5, a part of the so-called "Stalin's Line". Built in 1936 on the basis of natural and artificial caves in the granite rock (in VIII-XIII centuries there was an ancient Russian city Iskorosten). Object is also known as "Stalin's Bunker." In the event of war there was planned to exercise command of the southwestern front. In Soviet times, the object remains in the conduct of the military, then transferred to the civil defense system. All this time its equipment (ventilation system, water supply, autonomous power supply, communication) remains in working condition. Secrecy was lifted in 2005, owing to the efforts of enthusiasts there was opened a military history museum complex "The Rock” .
15:00 Lunch on the road to Kiev.
18:00 Return to Kiev.


• entrances;
• lunch;
• transport services;
• guide(interpreter) services

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