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Andrew's Descent - most picturesque and visited Kiev street. Many tourists compare it to Paris Montmartre, because here, as anywhere else in the city, you will have a wide selection of all kinds of souvenirs with symbols of Kiev, beautiful painted pottery, unique jewelry from local artists. Do not be bored and art lovers - Art Galleries occupy most of the steep winding streets.

One of the most famous buildings of Andrew's descent is the house number 13, in which the family lived A.Bulgakova professor. Glorified it home eldest son of Professor - Mikhail Bulgakov, whose monument is placed near a literary-memorial museum of Mikhail Bulgakov's behalf. Located in a building from 1991, it attracts attention to Andrew's Descent fans of Bulgakov. Another unique museum is in the house number 26 - One Street Museum, which is dedicated to the history of Andrew's descent its outstanding residents. Rich exposition filled with historical documents, autographs, manuscripts, old postcards, photographs and lots of vintage household items. Note: +86 UAH / 4 USD / 3 Euro per ticket per person. Duration of the tour 3 hours. Prices are valid for the following languages: Rus / Eng / Ger / Fra / Spa. Prices for other languages on request.

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