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Excursion to Radomysl castle and Ukrainian Village

Time Description of itinerary and objects of visit
09:00 Departure from Kiev to Radomysl
11:00-13:00 Arrival in Radomysl. Excursion to Radomysl Castle, museum of domestic icon and paper-mill Radomysl Castle is a historical and cultural foundation which was renovated in 2007–2011 by Ukrainian doctor and public activist Olga Bogomolets. The castle is reconstructed on an old flour mill built in the late 19th century by Polish engineer Piekarski. The mill was constructed upon the ruins of a paper mill built in 1612 by the order of the archimandrite (abbot) of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Yelisey Pletenecki (1550–1624). Since 2011, Radomysl Castle is the part of the Council of Europe’s cultural way Via Regia, which purposes to promote cultural buildings and churches for tourism between European countries. The main attraction of Radomysl Castle is the Museum of Ukrainian home icons. The collection comprises more than 5000 icons and sculptures (Orthodox, Catholic and Greek-Catholic).
13:00 Lunch at the refectory.
14:00-15:00 Transfer to Buzovaya village
15:00-17:00 Excursion at private ethnographical complex “Ukrainian Village” The complex includes museum with six authentic houses, which represent different Ukrainian regions: Carpathians, Poltava region, Podillya, Polissya, southern Ukraine and Slobodian region. Gathered interiors represent boundaries of Ukrainian life in XIX century. Trabsfer to Kiev. Arrival in Kiev (18:00)


• entrances;
• lunch;
• transport services;
• guide(interpreter) services

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