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Swamp tour

Time Description of itinerary and objects of visit
09:00-11.00 Departure to Otrohy village
11:00-14:00 Arrival to landscape park Beginning of excursion Swamps are the most hidden corners of the earth surface. Among the deaf impassable swamps of Pollissya rare animals (black stork, lynx, crane) find their homes…Only here – at the swamps of landscape park “Mezhdurechensky” – there had preserved lots of relict plants (the witnesses of the ancient glacier). During this tour you will learn what swamp is, its habitants, how is peat formed, what kind of useful plants grow here. You will pass the real “jungle " where every tree grows on a separate small island, try to walk on a shaky Quagmirran, see carnivorous plants and uncover the miseries of swamps for yourself.
14:00 Ecological lunch on the picturesque edge of the forest and sitting by the fireplace.
15:00-17:00 Continuing excursion Free time on the nature
18:00 Transfer to Kiev.


• entrances;
• lunch;
• transport services;
• guide(interpreter) services

Swamp tour Swamp tour


Swamp tour Swamp tour


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